
This year, to expand our resources circle, EDTC 400 students were partnered with EDTC 300 students to help them as they began their journey through twitter and their blogs. 

Here are the EDTC 300 students I was able to work alongside. 

Kassia NamethTwitterBlog
Melina PalamaraTwitterBlog
Shana BlenkinTwitterBlog
Branden SmithTwitterBlog
Caelyn HembroffTwitterBlog

Here is a link to my mentoring log

It has been a few years since I took EDTC 300 so I was not confident in myself when answering technical based questions but most of my mentees were quite knowledgeable about their blogs so they did not have many questions. 

At times it was difficult to work with my mentees because I did not have any connection with them. I found that I had a tendency to tweet at different mentees that I had other courses with because there was a connection that was already formed. 

I preferred to talk over twitter because it allows for more conversation between my mentee, myself and other EDTC 300 students. They also brought forward amazing resources that I know I will be using in my future classrooms. It was very interesting to read some of the blog posts, especially the ones that I completed when in EDTC 300, because I could see how much education has changed over 2 years (mainly because of the pandemic). 

This assignment did push me to rethink how to work with students especially when online. It makes you rethink how to give feedback and how to expand a student’s learning when you are unable to have a face to face conversation with them. I have just started teaching online to a class that I have never taught before, in fact I have not even “met” them yet- using comments in flipgrid and microsoft teams is how I can create relationships with my students right now. I think this assignment would be very beneficial as I become a teacher, as my older students could be giving feedback and positive reinforcement to the younger students. 

A few important mentoring times..

Melina’s post about digital citizenship and curriculum 

Hi Melina,

I have found that health and ELA are the two strongest subjects to connect digital citizenship to. There are some areas within the PAA modules to teach about digital citizenship or digital footprints. Some more middle years outcomes would be…


USC7.7 Investigate and express understanding of possible discrepancies in morals (e.g., beliefs, ethics, virtues, understanding of right/wrong) that may determine and/or affect the commitment to the well-being of self, family, community, and the environment.


D. Investigate possible relationships and/or tension among values (e.g., values of integrity and honesty

F. Express an understanding of how norms, trends, and values in society influences self, others, and relationships.

G. Explore the source and rationale of social precepts/principles (e.g., prohibitions, rules, rights, norms in everyday life).

K. Determine situations when one may be required to assert personal beliefs in the face of opposition.


CR7.4 View and demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of visual and multimedia texts with specific features (e.g., circle graphs) and complex ideas including the visual components of media such as magazines, newspapers, reference books, graphic novels, broadcast media, videos, and promotional materials.


B. View critically to understand and analyze opinions and messages presented in visual and multimedia texts.

G. Analyze and evaluate what is seen in visual and multimedia (including digital) texts considering elements, techniques, and overall effect.

And these outcomes within grade 7 career ed would be great to start talking about Digital Communication and Collaboration.


Explore and draw conclusions about the influences of positive and negative self-images on one’s life and work.


Develop and demonstrate the behaviours and understandings needed for building healthy relationships (i.e., emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical).

Thanks for sharing

Branden’s post on teachers and social media

Hi Branden,

I understand your ideas about privacy and I think you bring forward good points. 

I did watch this video that says that the bigger your online footprint the easier it is for people to try to help find you if you every go missing. Something to think about because yes they are able to find important details about you but they can find those detail if you are missing or not.

If you want to watch it (it won’t let me hyperlink in the comments)

Something to think about- how will you try to collaborate/ trade ideas with other teachers without social media? I think that “teacher” social media pages can become overly negative about lack of resources or budget cuts so it would be interesting how you would be in contact with others. 


Sarah EDTC 400

Kassia Nameth and Haley Begrand amazing resource

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